Come and explore our tented village demonstrating 1916 professions for all the family.
Jackie Maurer – Ceramics
Give it a whirl!
See the potter’s wheel at work and all are welcome to give it a try!
Irish Patchwork Society
Continuing our Patchwork Heritage: Quilts will be on display and members of the Guild will display ongoing work giving you the opportunity to see how patchwork is made.
Irish Guild of Weavers Spinners & Dyers
Members of the Guild will be on hand, demonstrating the crafts of spinning and weaving which were prevalent at the time.
Book Art – Sandi Sexton
Come and see the traditional technique of book-making which was in practice 100 years ago.
Did you know – a single sheet of paper was folded into a sixteen page section and this was then stitched together with book thread.
The book then was only valued new if the folded pages weren’t opened and they needed to be opened with a letter opener.
Brídeóg Trad
Come and try your hand at making your own St. Brigid’s Crosses from native rushes.
Guild of Irish Lacemakers:
Lace was first produced in Ireland in the 1730’s. It is a highly skilled and delicate craft. It played a vital part in providing income for families and saved them from starvation and destitution. Come and see this craft being demonstrated.
Feltmakers Ireland
We’ll be making Easter lillies, demonstrating carding and displaying native Irish wool breeds. There’ll be a chance for children to make their own little items to take home with them.
Enjoy calligraphy demonstrations and see traditional print from the time.
Try your own hand at calligraphy – all welcome!
Little Gem Puppers
Demonstrations on how to make a hand puppet with a papier mâché head.
Have a go yourself! There will be plenty of opportunity to make a simpler felt version of the hand puppet and try it out in the special puppet booth.
Paul Finch Basketweaving
Come and attend a short weaving workshop where you will get an opportunity to try willow weaving and maybe make your own willow fish.
Irish Countrywomen’s Association Merrion Square
Come and see macramé, embroidery and a variety of children’s crafts including sock puppets.
Dave Gorman Crafts – Carpenter and wood carver
An opportunity to see wood carving, examples of carvings and perhaps try your hand at carving itself.
Saturday Workshop
Come and see designers and makers of puzzles and toys. You can see their boats float on the water!
Photograph courtesy of the RTÉ Archives