St Michan’s Church, Church St
Hosted by Aengus MacGrianna, News Reader, RTÉ
A Poet’s Revolt? Literature and the I916 Rising
Poetry and theatre played a huge role in the events that led to the Easter Rising but did the volunteers who saw action on Easter week sign up for combat solely because they read patriotic poems or attended nationalist plays?
P.J. Mathews, Scoil an Bhéarla, na Drámaíochta agus na Scannánaíochta UCD
The Rising: One Hundred Years After
The role of the “future” in the thinking of the Revivalists and Easter Rebels – and their critical attitude to cults of commemoration. This talk will be followed by Choral Music.
Declan Kiberd, Keough Professor of Irish Studies at University of Notre Dame
St Mary’s College Singers
Selection of Popular Traditional Irish Songs performed by the multi-award winning choir.
Photograph courtesy of the RTÉ Archives