After the surrender on 29 April Eamon Dore and a number of his colleagues were brought to the Parnell Statue and held there. Later that evening Dore saw his friend Edward Daly, Commandant of the Four Courts garrison lead his men up O’Connell Street. They halted at the Gresham Hotel where they were addressed by Captain Henry de Courcy-Wheeler, who informed them of the procedure they were to follow in laying down their arms.
It was done in such a military fashion that even the British officer was carried away and he saluted our Commandant and Daly saluted him as if it was an ordinary thing to do.
This scene was witnessed by Brigadier-General Lowe, Commanding Officer of the British Forces in Dublin, who was watching from the Parnell statue. Dore remembers that Lowe was not at all impressed by de Courcy-Wheeler’s actions.
Edward Daly was executed in Kilmainham Gaol on 4 May. Aged twenty-five at the time of his death, Daly was one of the youngest to be executed for his part in the Rising.
Eamon Dore was a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood. At the time of the Easter Rising he was attached to ‘B’ Company, 1st Battalion, Dublin Brigade, Irish Volunteers. He later married Edward Daly’s sister Nora.

Eamon Dore was interviewed for the programme ‘A Munster Journal: The Daly’s of Limerick Remembered’, broadcast on Radio Éireann, 27 May 1966.