On the afternoon of Easter Monday Walter Starkie was walking along Haddington Road on his way home from town. Volunteers Michael Malone and Seamus Grace had taken over No. 25 Northumberland Road which was at the junction with Haddington Road.
The Georgius Rex or ‘Gorgeous Wrecks’ as they were called by Dubliners was a Home Defence force made up generally of older men. They were returning to Beggars Bush barracks from manoeuvres. Although some did carry weapons their guns were not loaded. Mistaking them for British soldiers, as they passed by No. 25 Malone and Grace opened fire on the group.
Starkie recalls that a man shouted to him to get down on the ground. As he did so he saw the veterans falling on the ground including F.H. Browning.
I saw his body being carried off.
Five men, including Browning were killed. Seven were injured.
Walter Starkie was a scholar, author and Director of the Abbey Theatre for almost twenty years.

Professor Walter Starkie was interviewed for the television programme '7 Days' , broadcast on 12 November 1966.