Seamus Doyle, Adjutant of the Wexford Brigade along with Sean Etchingham were escorted to Dublin by the military on the morning of Sunday 30 April. Although they had received word of Patrick Pearse’s surrender, they refused to obey until they had confirmation from their Commander in Chief.
After visiting Pearse in Arbour Hill Prison, who did in fact confirm the order, the two men returned to Enniscorthy. They made their way straight to Volunteer Headquarters in the Athenaeum Theatre.
John ‘Jack’ Breen, who was present in the theatre describes what happened. Doyle addressed the crowd and confirmed that Pearse had ordered the surrender to prevent the further killing of civilians in Dublin.
Jack Breen was a member of ‘A’ Company (Enniscorthy), Wexford Brigade, Irish Volunteers.

Jack Breen was interviewed for the programme 'The Boys of Wexford', broadcast on Radio Éireann, 11 April 1966. Photograph of the interior of Athenaeum Theatre, Enniscorthy courtesy of Liz Gillis.