Simon Donnelly mobilised at Earlsfort Terrace on Easter Monday. This small garrison of between twenty-four and twenty-eight men proceeded to take over Boland’s Bakery under the command of Éamon de Valera.
Once inside the men quickly began to fortify the building, loop-holing walls, filling sandbags and strengthening positions that were weak. Throughout this time Commandant Éamon de Valera inspected the work the men were doing and Donnelly notes he trusted his officers and their capabilities in the task ahead.
He thought they were men that were equal to the job that had been cast on them. I don’t think he was disappointed.
Simon Donnelly was Captain of ‘C’ Company, 3rd Battalion, Dublin Brigade, Irish Volunteers.

Simon Donnelly was interviewed for the radio series 'The Week of the Rising' broadcast on Radio Éireann, 11 April 1966. Photograph of Boland's Bakery courtesy of Military Archives.