While in the outpost in Jameson’s Distillery, John O’Connor and his comrades found a large quantity of sample bottles of whiskey. While most of his garrison abstained from drinking the whiskey, O’Connor sent a supply to all the outposts in the area. The next night a request was made for more ‘hand grenades’, the samples of whiskey.
The garrison did discover a private supply of Cuban cigars which they all proceeded to enjoy. Distillery owner, Andrew Jameson later commended the garrison for leaving the whiskey pretty much alone but did notice that his cigars had disappeared.
He complimented them on their judgement because they took the best.
John O’Connor was a member of ‘F’ Company, 1st Battalion, Dublin Brigade, Irish Volunteers.

John O'Connor was interviewed for the radio series 'The Week of the Rising' broadcast on Radio Éireann, 13 April 1966. Photograph Jameson's Distillery, Smithfield courtesy of RTÉ Archives.