Joseph O’Connor was second-in-command in Boland’s Bakery. His objective was to stop the British forces advancing towards Éamon de Valera’s position so he set up headquarters along the railway line.
On Wednesday, having arrived at Dún Laoghaire British reinforcements began their advance into the city and soon O’Connor and his men were in the thick of the fight with the soldiers making their way to within thirty yards of their position.
Despite coming under heavy attack the British did not take O’Connor’s position. Remembering his comrades in battle O’Connor said.
Oh to be at the head of 100 such men in a bayonet charge.
Joseph O’Connor was Vice-Commandant of the 3rd Battalion, Dublin Brigade, Irish Volunteers.

Joseph O'Connor was interviewed for 'They Remember 1916' broadcast on Radio Éireann, 3 April 1956. Photograph of the railway workshop courtesy of Military Archives.