Tom Devine was a member of the group led by Michael Joseph ‘The’ O’Rahilly from the General Post Office with the aim of getting to Williams and Woods Soap and Sweet Manufacturers in Great Britain Street (now Parnell Street) via Moore Street. However the British forces had erected barricades in the surrounding streets. On seeing the Volunteers advance along Moore Street they opened fire. Tom Devine describes the deaths of Paddy Shortis and The O’Rahilly.
I saw him fall on his face the sword fall out of his hand. And I saw him then turn on his left side he was in great pain and he made the sign of the cross.
Tom Devine was a member of ‘E’ Company, 3rd Battalion, Dublin Brigade, Irish Volunteers.

Tom Devine was interviewed for the RTÉ Television project 'Portraits 1916' on 23 January 1966.