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DIT Level 2: Room 2-021
Introduced by Karina Buckley
The Rebels and the ‘Rabble’: Inner-city Dubliners and the Rising
Why did some inner-city Dubliners respond with hostility to the rebels and what does this tell us about Irish society at the time? Was it only the so-called ‘Separation women’, those with relatives in the British Army, who objected to the rebellion or were there other factors at play? Did anything similar occur in other parts of Ireland?
Historian Brian Hanley discusses these issues.
“A wicked and insane” rebellion: The response of John Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party
John Redmond viewed the Rising as a stab in the back for Irish nationalism, and a disaster that would set the cause of independence back for years. His response might seem out of step now, but at the time it represented the prevailing view.
Chris Dooley, author of Redmond: A Life Undone
Photograph courtesy of the National Library of Ireland