DIT Level 3: Room 3-067
Introduced by Damien O’Meara
Rising the Revivalists to 1916
“But never mind, when it comes to the end I’ll say – English speakers to the fore, Irish speakers to the rear, charge!” – Rising the Revivalists to 1916.
Was the Gaelic League the ‘breeding ground’ for the IRB? Was the Irish language the Language of the Revolution? These parting words from The O’Rahilly are almost humorous, but like so many other Gaelic Leaguers, their journey to the Rising, which will be reviewed in this talk, was anything but humorous.
Regina Uí Chollatain, Ceann, Scoil na Gaeilge, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidís UCD
“Not Free Merely, but Gaelic as Well”: Was 1916 a Gaelic Revolution?
Timothy McMahon, Assoc. Professor of History, Marquette University, Wisconsin, US. Vice President of the American Conference for Irish Studies.
Photograph courtesy of the RTÉ Archives